Hobby Outpost
KATO 106-089, N Scale Milwaukee Road Olympian Hiawatha, Post 1955 Scheme 9 Car Set
KATO 106-089, N Scale Milwaukee Road Olympian Hiawatha, Post 1955 Scheme 9 Car Set
KATO 106-089, N Scale Milwaukee Road Olympian Hiawatha, Post 1955 Scheme 9 Car Set
KATO N Scale Milwaukee Road Olympian Hiawatha, Post 1955 Scheme 9 Car Set
Kato Item #: 106-0892
The Olympian Hiawatha was a legendary passenger train service operated by The Milwaukee Road; it was the successor to the Olympian passenger train which ran from 1911 to 1947. The Olympian Hiawatha itself ran from 1947 to 1961. In 1955, the Milwaukee Road announced that they would operate Union Pacific streamliners between Chicago and Omaha. This meant that the Hiawatha would be painted in Union Pacific’s Armor Yellow colors. In 1956, the line was officially “partnered with Union Pacific” as they navigated the next couple years competing with both airline and automobile travel. The Hiawatha train wore the UP colors into the sunset as The Afternoon Hiawatha ran up until January 23, 1970. The next year, The Morning Hiawatha service was also discontinued and replaced by Amtrak lines.
Passenger Car Details:
Uniquely Tooled Cars
Equipped with Low Flange Wheels
Post 1955 Scheme
Interior of cars can be lighted with optional installation of #11-211/212 Interior Light Kit version 2 with White LED.
9-Car Set Includes:
Baggage-Dormitory #1309
48 Seat Coach #520
48 Seat Coach #529
Super Dome Lounge #55
Diner #119
14 Section Touralux Sleeper “Mount Spokane” #5740
10-6 Sleeper ”Lake Nashotah” #2
10-6 Sleeper ”Lake Coeur D'Alene” #9
8-DB-Lounge Observation “Gold Creek” #16
*Set Does Not Include a Track or a power Pack